Saturday, February 8, 2014

Baby it's cold outside...

So, I'm realizing that I don't feel motivated to write a post until I have some kind of title for it.  Huh....  I've always been kind of a "big picture" person (or at least, not a detail person), so maybe I need my "big idea" before I can move forward.  I think this makes sense because it's also how I process information.  Tell me your point up front, and then let me use that framework to hang all the other stuff on and I'm good.  What's that you say?  You want me to get to my point?  Well, I guess it's only fair.....

It's been crazy cold and snowy here.  It seems like it's been forever.  We have Polar Vortexes dropping down from wherever they come from, my kids have had six (Count'em SIX!) snow days already this year, my poor husband is beginning to have a traumatic response to seeing snow shovels, the air has that dry-cold-take-your-breath-away feeling when you walk outside, and our yard is nowhere to be seen underneath giant snow piles from the snow from the driveway.  And it's only the beginning of February!  Spring can't some soon enough.

But it's not spring.  Not yet.  (sigh)  One thing I talk a lot about in my job is the idea of acceptance.  You might not like it, you might wish it was different, but in order to do what you need to do - you have to accept that it is the way it is.

So, in the spirit of acceptance, I decided to make something this week that helps warm me up from the inside out when I eat it - Chili.  And not just any chili.  Chocolate Chili.  Yes, you read that right.  Chocolate chili.  I know it sounds kind of gross, but it's awesome.  This week, I made a double batch and froze half.  I'm expecting that winter will be around for a while yet, so I'll need more again soon.

And, just for fun and because they're delicious, I made these stuffed mushrooms

Music of the week:  "10,000 Reasons" by Matt Redman.  It came on my Pandora station at least 5 times and I just never got sick of it.  It's still in my head and I really don't care.  Such a great song.

Until next time, my well.


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